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get first-class advice.

Purchase advice

Before buying a property, it is important to check all the details carefully. Do not rush your commitment. Your verbal commitments are already binding. All questions should be clarified before you submit a binding purchase offer.


As part of the purchase consultation, possible problematic points are checked and the optimum procedure is recommended. Negotiating options are also discussed with you.

When purchasing flats and houses, the following points, among others, must be clarified in advance:

  • Licence status
  • Current state of construction
  • Operating costs
  • Land register status (rights & encumbrances)
  • Off-book encumbrances etc.



Undeveloped properties
Valuation of rights and encumbrances
Building lease properties
Lakeside properties







Office properties
Mixed-use properties
Industrial properties
Commercial projects
Retail parks
Shopping centres etc.





Valuation of Special Properties

Hotel and catering properties
DIY stores (DIY markets)
Logistics properties

Golf courses
Petrol stations etc.






Valuation of Residential Properties

Owner-occupied flats
Detached and semi-detached houses
Apartment blocks
Apartment blocks and investment properties
Residential projects
Luxury properties


1st Class Advice |

Valuable Real Estate

We support you in your decision-making and offer an information advantage through national and international Real Estate expertise.


Highest quality based on international standards


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Hauptverband der allgemein beeideten und gerichtlich zertifizierten Sachverständigen Österreichs

Msc Immobilienmanagment TU Wien

DI Marko Leitner - XING

DI Marko Leitner

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